Definisi : Pemberian cairan intravena dengan cepat/ segera
Aktivitas :
- Dapatkan dan pertahankan pemberian intravena dalam jumlah besar
- Kolaborasikan dengan dokter untuk memastikan pemberian crystalloids ( Nacl, koloid plasma dan Hesban )
- Atur cairan intra vena sesuai rujukan dokter
- Dapatkan specimen darah untuk mencocokkan data, jika diindikasikan
- Beri transfuse darah sesuai rujukan dokter
- Monitor respon hemodinamik
- Monitor status oksigen
- Monitor kelebihan cairan
- Monitor output cairan tubuh sepert; urin, drainase NGT,dan selang dada
- Monitor BUN, keratin, protein total dan albumin
- Monitor adanya edema pulmonal Dn third spacing
If you're trying to lose pounds then you absolutely have to get on this brand new personalized keto meal plan.
BalasHapusTo produce this keto diet service, licenced nutritionists, personal trainers, and cooks have united to develop keto meal plans that are productive, painless, economically-efficient, and delightful.
Since their first launch in 2019, hundreds of individuals have already completely transformed their body and health with the benefits a good keto meal plan can provide.
Speaking of benefits; in this link, you'll discover 8 scientifically-confirmed ones offered by the keto meal plan.